Real therapy


real easy

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Have you lost your way?

I see you…

Are you the super mom living on autopilot, putting out fires and so exhausted that you don’t know who you are or how you got here, and disappointed because you feel you are failing at home and at work?

Or, do you have a history of multiple small traumas, that although none are earth shattering, have stripped you of your confidence, making you feel you’ve wasted your life waiting for your time, but that time has never come? Now, with all the uncertainty and stress of this, it has activated all of it, all at once.

Are you overwhelmed because so much has changed and you have lost so much, such as loved ones, jobs, routines, or health. Is your life a mess and you seem to be misunderstood everytime to open your mouth? Your relationships with friends, family, or significant other have become strained, and you are unsure just how much more you can take?

You are not alone! We are all going through this post-pandemic/political division/uncertain financial times…and it has triggered so many things that we thought we left in the past. We are trying to make sense of it all and find our new normal, because there seems to be no end in sight. And it’s hard to focus and heal any one thing. And frankly, it feels downright hopeless at times, but it’s not. I KNOW you can heal from whatever bad thing has happened to you, the good things that did not happen for you, or any combination of stressors.

Click the button to schedule a free consultation.


Let’s get some perspective

Each person has a unique blend of issues, concerns, and circumstances. I enjoy the complexity of how all the pieces of life come together.

I can help you get clear about what is and isn’t working, create a plan to get you closer to where you want to be, and feel how you deserve to feel.

You are the expert on you